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Special 40% discount for our book owners: just scan the QR code present at the back of the book and get rolling!
In this class you’ll learn how to make a planner that suits you! That includes what YOU need. So in a way I guess you could say this class will teach you how to make the perfect planner! We will start with the basics and go over the different materials you can use.
Explore the world of Zentangle art with our free online course! Learn the meditative practice of creating beautiful, intricate patterns that promote relaxation and mindfulness.
Dive into the world of mixed media with our free altered book course! Unleash your creativity as you learn techniques to transform ordinary books into stunning works of art.
Hand lettering is not very difficult, all you need to do is practice. Start with a little project and then practice it every day in different forms. Colorful and beautifully crafted letters make your art more appealing that makes your journals and art really stand out. In my quest I have tried several different kinds of lettering. Brush lettering, calligraphy, and whimsical lettering in which I love brush lettering which allows me to play more.
Making your own vision board planner is a compelling way of influencing your mind and actions. Though we have lots of options available for buying vision planners online, making your own vision planner with your own creative spirit, imagination, and artistic skills shining through is a joy all its own. You get attached to your planner emotionally and channel good vibes into it and obviously you love it more. You can decorate your vision board art journal using your favorite art practices.